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由Mel Gibson 梅尔吉布森 制作的人口贩卖纪录片电影「自由之声」上映 The human trafficking film “Sound of Freedom” has been released in major theatres in the United States

Sound of Freedom

Sound of Freedom

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这是由Mel Gibson,梅尔吉布森(电影「勇敢的心」「爱国者」「耶稣受难记」的男主角)直接参与制作的科普人口贩卖的电影「自由之声」已经在美国各大院线上映。

  1. 我们要知道现在人口贩卖的严重性
  2. 面对严重的人口贩卖问题,政府如何的不作为

This is Mel Gibson (The star of the films “Braveheart” “The Patriot” and “The Passion of the Christ”) directly involved in the production of the human trafficking film “Sound of Freedom” has been released in major theatres in the United States.

The film uses the storytelling route to tell the general process of human trafficking, which is a true story. The whole film is suitable for the whole family and is very touching.

The core of the film:

  1. We need to know the seriousness of human trafficking nowadays.
  2. How the government has failed to act in the face of the serious problem of human trafficking.
