HUMAN MEAT IN MCDONALDS! 神之眼 2 年前 當前文章的短網址連結為: MAYBE THE REASON NO-ONE HAS EMPATHY FOR EACH OTHER IS BECAUSE THEY ARE EATING EACH OTHER!!! ? 由Mel Gibson 梅尔吉布森 制作的人口贩卖纪录片电影「自由之声」上映 The human trafficking film “Sound of Freedom” has been released in major theatres in the United States日期2023年8月13日关于Truth 真相 相关文章: Numbers of children with heart disease has soared since covid-19 vaccination Bill Gates and the Rockefeller’s are funding the destruction of humanity, and the normies laugh it off as a ‘crazy conspiracy theory’. WHO injected Africans with over 50 million smallpox vaccines and on May 11, 1987, an article under this heading was published in the British The Times: “The smallpox vaccine caused a wave of infections with the AIDS virus.” The Great Reset And the War for the World (Alex Jones) 《大重置:世界大战》,本书旨在揭露全球精英奴役人类和地球上所有生命的国际阴谋