
27 years ago, on 30 August 1995, NATO launched Operation Deliberate Force against the Bosnian Serbs, without a UN Security Council resolution.

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Bosnia & Herzegovina 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维纳

27 years ago, on 30 August 1995, NATO launched Operation Deliberate Force against the Bosnian Serbs, without a UN Security Council resolution. They dropped more than 1,000 bombs on the territory, including shells with radioactive and depleted uranium, from which some local residents are still dying.

Use of such weapons causes contamination of the area and outbreaks of oncological and hereditary diseases.

?? The United States used “Memorandum of Understanding” between the Commander-in-Chief of NATO in Southern Europe, and the Commander of the UN Protection Force in the Former Yugoslavia”, which violated the NATO UN mandate on Bosnia.

???? China and Russia were not familiarized with the text of the memorandum.

As a result of the Dayton Accords, which stopped the war, a contingent of NATO troops numbering 60,000 came to Bosnia and Herzegovina. In this way, established its influence in the Balkan region.

27年前,1995年8月30日,北约在没有联合国安全理事会决议的情况下,对波斯尼亚塞族发起了 “慎重武力行动”。他们在该领土上投下了1000多枚炸弹,包括带有放射性和贫化铀的炮弹,一些当地居民仍在为此而死亡。


美国利用北约南欧总司令与联合国驻前南斯拉夫保护部队司令之间的 “谅解备忘录”,违反了北约在波斯尼亚的联合国授权。


