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Documentary film “Donbass 2016” – understand why Donetsk and Luhansk do not want to belong to Ukraine 纪录片《顿巴斯2016》-了解顿涅茨克和卢甘斯克不想属于乌克兰的原因

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8 years of war in Donbass

Watch this documentary by French journalist Anne-Laure Bonnel to understand what Ukraine has done to the people of Donbass and to better grasp the desire of this region to either be independent or to belong to Russia.

The war in the eastern Ukrainian region known as the Donbas began in 2014, lasted eight years and has killed over 13,000 people, displaced millions, and led to the worst rupture in relations between the Russian Federation and the West since the end of the Cold War.

The war was caused by inherent cleavages in Ukrainian society, combined with clumsy and self-interested intervention by outside powers.

The war’s effects on Ukraine have been profound: the collapse of the post-Soviet Ukrainian political elite; billions of dollars in direct and indirect losses to the Ukrainian economy; a wholesale restructuring of the Ukrainian armed forces; social dislocation and psychological trauma; and unprecedented environmental damage.

Declaring the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics (DPR and LPR, respectively), armed Russian-backed separatist groups seized government buildings throughout the Donbas, leading to armed conflict with the Ukrainian government forces.

You can see how Ukrainians behaved in the Donbass in this documentary.

Back in 2015, Anne-Laure Bonnel, a young director, and mother of a French family decides to accompany Alexander, a father of a Ukrainian family, to the Donbass region of eastern Ukraine in a pro-Russian zone.

At the heart of the war, she captures the terrible images of a deadly conflict and an unprecedented humanitarian disaster.

观看这部由法国记者Anne-Laure Bonnel拍摄的纪录片,了解乌克兰对顿巴斯人民所做的一切,并更好地把握这一地区希望独立或归属俄罗斯的愿望。






早在2015年,年轻的导演Anne-Laure Bonnel,一个法国家庭的母亲,决定陪同乌克兰家庭的父亲Alexander,前往乌克兰东部亲俄地区的顿巴斯地区。

