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How did Ukraine form out of the Russian Empire? 乌克兰是如何脱离俄罗斯帝国的?

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“One thing we will never accept, is if someone utilizes the generous gifts of Russia, to hurt Russia itself.” – Putin.

“我们永远不会接受的一件事是,如果有人利用俄罗斯的慷慨礼物,伤害俄罗斯本身。” – 普京。

1654 – Bohdan Hmelnitskiy- Poltava (central, yellow) led an uprising against the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth & united these territories under the Treaty of Pereyaslav, with Tsar Alexis of Russia.

1654 – Bohdan Hmelnitskiy-波尔塔瓦(中央,黄色)领导了一场反对波兰立陶宛联邦的起义,并根据佩列亚斯拉夫条约与俄罗斯沙皇亚历克西斯统一了这些领土。

1683 – Tsar Alexis – Chernihov + Kyiv (central, yellow)

1683 – 沙皇亚历克西斯 – 切尔尼霍夫 + 基辅(中央,黄色)

1795 – Ekaterina II – (orange, west) colonised the territories of Malorossia. In the west, Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, was ruled by her former lover King Stanislaus Augustus Poniatowski, which was partitioned, with the Russian Empire gaining the largest share. In the east, Russians became the first Europeans to colonize Alaska.

1795 – 叶卡捷琳娜二世 – (橙色,西部)殖民了马洛罗西亚的领土。在西部,波兰立陶宛联邦由她的前情人斯坦尼斯劳斯·奥古斯都·波尼亚托夫斯基国王统治,该国被瓜分,俄罗斯帝国获得最大份额。在东部,俄罗斯人成为第一批殖民阿拉斯加的欧洲人。

1918 – V. Lenin – Novorossiya (green, east)

1918 – V. Lenin – Novorossiya(绿色,东部)

1940 /1945 – J. Stalin – Bessarabia, Bukovina, Galicia, Transcarpathia (green, west)

1940 /1945 – J. Stalin – 比萨拉比亚、布科维纳、加利西亚、外喀尔巴阡(绿色,西部)

1954 – N. Kruschev, Transfer of Crimea (purple, south). Did not have sufficient quorum.

1954 – N. Kruschev,克里米亚的转移(紫色,南)。没有足够的法定人数。

1991 – End of era.

1991 – 时代结束。
