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“Empire of Lies” speech – 24 Feb 2022 |“谎言帝国” 演讲 – 2022 年 2 月 24 日

當前文章的短網址連結為: https://unos.top/p5en


00:01 – NATO expansion, a changing world order

05:00 – Lawless interventions in Belgrade, Iraq, Libya & Syria

09:45 – Western support and funding of terrorism in the Chechen wars

10:30 – Imposition of unnatural pseudo-values and the degradation of society

12:00 – Unpreparedness and lessons of WWII, “We won’t make the same mistake twice!”

15:30 – A red line was crossed with Ukraine

16:15 – Donbass Genocide: attempt to rectify the situation peacefully for 8 years

17:30 – Neo-Nazism and the threat to the Russian speaking regions of Ukraine

18:15 – Nuclear weapons for Ukraine are only a matter of time

20:00 – Announcement of Special Operation Z

21:15 – Victory in WWII is sacred and we will protect that freedom

22:30 – Address to the Ukrainian people

24:50 – Important words for anyone who seeks to intervene externally

25:30 – Our future is in reliable hands.

I would recommend you further substantiate your understanding with this lecture.


00:01 – 北约扩张,不断变化的世界秩序

05:00 – 对贝尔格莱德、伊拉克、利比亚和叙利亚的非法干预

09:45 – 西方支持和资助车臣战争中的恐怖主义

10:30 – 强加不自然的伪价值观和社会退化

12:00 – 二战的准备不足和教训,“我们不会犯同样的错误两次!”

15:30 – 与乌克兰越过红线

16:15 – 顿巴斯种族灭绝:试图和平纠正局势8年

17:30 – 新纳粹主义和对乌克兰俄语地区的威胁

18:15 – 对乌克兰使用核武器只是时间问题

20:00 – 特别行动Z的公告

21:15 – 二战的胜利是神圣的,我们将保护这种自由

22:30 – 对乌克兰人民的讲话

24:50 – 对于任何寻求外部干预的人来说,重要的话

25:30 – 我们的未来掌握在可靠的手中。



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